Sunday, December 27, 2009

Simply Secret s for Small Business Success

Business success is an outcome of the progressive
working of a good idea ‘’ Anonymous

A workable idea is a motivating factor for business success. Such idea that is backed up with knowledge and passion will produce outstanding result in business. When you possess the working knowledge of the right combination of factors, the limiting barriers around your business will vanish .knowing the right things demands your constant attention and effort. It is the in-depth understanding of the ever dynamic nature of your operating business environment that will guarantee your success. Therefore, you need to engage in thorough research, analysis and feasibility studies after you have been inspired before you dive into any business Endeavor. Success in business is not a function of good luck, but, of good work.

Capital Sense
I have heard many young and potential great entrepreneurs complain about lack of capital. But, what they need is “Capital” sense to start off .it is capital sense that brings capital gains .if you want to be rich, your natural endowment, your intellectual acumen, your money and time should be channeled into your own business continuously. Create and income generating asset and nurture it to growth.
Success in any area of life including businesses is all about maintaining and emitting positive energy (which is a product of knowledge ) and then directed that energy into every business decision you make.

Customer centric Your customer base will continue to rise as long as you keep giving them what I evidently beneficial to them at the right price.
So, look around and ask yourself questions such as: can I offer a better, faster, cheaper, smarter, higher quality and more effective product or service delivery compared to my competitors? Consider other factors such as your business location, availability of customers need, right pricing, effective customer service delivery, quality products or services, your opening hours and how to maximize your marketing edge. Always find a way to satisfy people’s need. This is how business is created.

Location .Business success is all about location .is your business located where it can be easily reached by your customers? Are your customers going to incur extra cost to reach you? What value is derivable by the extra cost they inure?

. Is your shop properly stock with needed goods especially during festive period like Christmas and New Year? What plans are you making to meet all the effective demands that will come during the festive period? Won’t there be need to use sales promo as we approach the end of the year?

Pricing. Do you have a comparative advantage in pricing? If you are targeting the middle and low income earners, you pricing must be right for them.
Service delivery. Are your staff motivated enough to put in a smiling face towards customers? Are they well equipped for the high level of service they are expected to deliver? If you are paying peanuts, your staff will be looking elsewhere.regular training in effective customer service cannot be oversized .if you take care of your staff, your business will take care of itself.

Marketing edge
Whatever business edge you have above your competitors, maximize it and emphasize it. Let the target customers know. Too many people rush into business before learning business management skills. Hence, the high rate of small business failures. A master’s degree in Business does not necessarily guarantee business success. If you do not have plans to tackle the challenges in your operating environment, your business will fail faster than it started. Modern day business environment is increasingly competitive; hence, you need a clear edge to stand out. Therefore, increase your personal knowledge of your business, focus on marketing, employ very competent staff and design a system you can leverage on.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Put Your Expectations to Work for You

Do you expect to be successful? Or do you spend much of your time worrying and obsessing about the possibility of failure?
One thing you’ll eventually learn on your journey to success is that your expectations hold great power! Whatever you expect to see and experience is usually what you’ll get. There are many ways this can affect your ability to reach your goals, but here are three main considerations you should be aware of:

i) Your expectations affect your attitude. It’s amazing how much attitude has to do with success. A negative or cynical attitude is enough to prevent you from giving your best effort and attention to your goals, which will lead to lukewarm results.
If you want to experience dynamic results, you’ve got to have a dynamic attitude. You’ve got to be fired up, passionate, and committed to your goals as if your life depended on achieving them. Your success certainly does!

ii) Your expectations affect your willingness to take action. Not only will a negative expectation taint your attitude, it will also determine the intensity and frequency of your actions. If you expect things to go wrong, they usually will. If you expect to experience an unfavorable outcome, you’ll see little point in working on it as diligently as you could, which will return poor results also.
On the other hand, when you’re motivated and inspired about your goals and expect them to bring forth a lucrative outcome, your determination will skyrocket and you’ll move forward deliberately and swiftly. You’ll know you’re going to be successful, so why hesitate?

iii) Finally, your expectations affect your interactions with others. People can sense a negative attitude even if you don’t say a word (though it does seep into your language too). If you go into any potential partnership or opportunity with a negative expectation, your potential partners aren’t going to be inspired by your attitude. They’ll probably view you as an ineffective, unconfident person that they may not want to be involved with.
But a confident, positive person with a clear focus and solid plan of action is someone that everyone would want to work with! Not only will you feel better by expecting the best in every situation, your potential partners and benefactors will be inspired by your vision and determination, and be more likely to work with you.
You know the old saying, “Expect the best and you’ll get it”? Take it seriously; for it holds a lot of wisdom.

Developing A Self-Motivaion Strategy

Self-motivation begins in school as you learn how to complete assigned tasks on time, especially those that require time outside of the classroom.
For many people, self-motivation can be a task in itself. Not everyone has the self-discipline to accomplish a task without constant supervision; however, in both education and employment, it is the most important part of the learning process. After all, beyond the middle school development, a student must begin the process of training for the real world, and part of this process includes developing self-motivation.

Self-motivation begins in school as you learn how to complete assigned tasks on time, especially those that require time outside of the classroom. You cannot expect the teacher to be the motivator all the time, so therefore, you must learn how to motivate yourself. Without that ability, your life will be much more time-challenging since you will not have a clue how to complete projects without a predominant reason to do so. In other words, you may clean your home because guests are coming, but you will not do it unless something motivates you to do so because you do not know the art of self-motivation.

The best way to approach the answer to this dilemma is to make a list of motivation tips. This should consist of things that customarily motivate you to do things that need completed. One thing that motivates many people is the possibility that something will come up to prevent them from completing something on time. It does matter what it is school project, chores, work details, or personal errands if you condition yourself into understanding that failing to do things now may mean the inability to do them later, your self-motivation will take over so that you accomplish the tasks in a timely manner.

There is no better motivating factor than facing the possibility that some pre-driven force will prevent you from doing the task if you don't do it right now. For example, if you put off cleaning your house until you expect guests, it opens the possibility of unexpected guests arriving or of something breaking down, and you need to call a repairman. At work, that motivation may be that another more important project arrives on your desk, so now you have two priority projects, and

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Boost Your Own Morale

Motivation is something that may drive a person towards success, and it is crucial to possess an inner motivation to view life in an optimistic way. As every person is different from another, self help to motivation also varies based on the priorities, as something that is motivating to you, may not catch the interest of the other. Motivation is not easy, as identifying it in you and the requirement you want in life sometimes is tough to figure out. However, putting the facts ahead and taking charge of the reins is the right attitude to boost motivation.

A very important thing to motivation is to ensure a healthy self worth dose and to figure out personal motivators by asking them to work for you. Believing in your own self and abilities, without creating any artificial limitations, and thereby enhancing your potentials is the right path to self help to motivation. For a motivated person the determination should be stronger, and hence being detoured owing to discouragement or minor challenges coming along the way is less likely.

Self help to motivation stems a good feeling and increases the self esteem. These are some of the critical components that is inside every person, and the significant point is to take time to peep inside as well as to unleash your potentials. For a happy as well as successful life, motivation is a must to accomplish success in life. This is accomplished by knowing the desires in life such as what and how you want things in life and this leads to motivation. Similarly, being enveloped with positive people who really care and love you is very essential to acquire success. If you have a negative environment, it is certain to affect the performance and will loosen the grip of motivation.

Setting goals make people more positive and motivated to work towards it and the moment one views success of accomplishing things in life as per the desire; they stay motivated to do more things. Self help to motivation has its main foundation in self believing, and having a low self-esteem affects the life negatively. Taking the lead and challenging it with full motivation is possible only when a person is prepared to accept self help. Similarly, to stay motivated read positive books as it assists in growing in leaps and bonds.

There are times when people feel things are out of control, hopeless and the motivation spirit seems to be disappearing. This is the time for keeping in mind how to react properly and forcefully, which shall lead to the right path to motivation. Identify the positive concepts and pinpoint the questions to yourself and start answering them, and thereby you will realize that this is an authentic way to self help to motivation, even in bad situations. On realizing the slight glimmering hope, start digging underneath and identify the source of worry and face it boldly with safety and self-respect.

Motivation is to face any hindrance and to be in action, even if it is small, is the surest way to hold your head strong and to move in the desired direction. Such motivation will never let you fall and this all depends on your attitude. Staying always motivated is tough, but with self help support retaining the motivation should be strong.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Make Greatness Your Goal

If greatness is your goal, whether in your business life, your personal relationships or your own personal growth, here are some guidelines to get you on your way. Greatness is possible! You can achieve the goals you set for yourself and you can make a difference in your own life and those who live and work around you! Set greatness as your goal! Here’s how:

Identify greatness for yourself. While there are some basic generalities that most people would consider great, there are broader definitions of greatness, ones that each individual sets for him or herself. For example, most people would consider Mother Theresa great while only some would consider Donald Trump great. Helping humanity is a broad generality while building a real estate fortune isn’t. So what you need to first do is ask, “What does greatness look like for this company, organization, family or for myself?” From there you can develop values and a mission statement etc. But if you don’t first identify it, you’ll never reach it.

Maximize targeted end results. As Covey says, “begin with the end in mind.” What end results do you want. Be specific. Come up with all of them. Maximize them. Leave no stone uncovered. Set out for yourself all of the goals or end results you must hit in order to reach greatness. Write them down, memorize them and distribute them broadly (if doing this for a group). Maximize your targeted end results!

Make distinction your endeavor. What is the endeavor of the great? Usually it is to distinguish themselves from the average. They seek to rise above the rest by the quality of their product or service. Everything goes toward the goal of making themselves distinct from the run of the mill. That is their mission. And in doing so, they make themselves great!

Map your effort thoroughly. The three most important words in real estate are “location, location, location.” In reaching a goal, the three most important words are “plan, plan, plan.” Okay, “execute” and “persevere” work too, but go with me here! Too many people wish they would achieve something but never write down a plan for getting there. When I want to go on a long trip I don’t just wish to get there. I plan on how to get there. I get a map, I figure out distances, times etc. Map out your goal thoroughly. This will help you achieve greatness.

Regularly take time for regeneration. Achieving greatness is hard! You will care more, work harder, and take more lumps and setbacks than the rest. So you will need to take time to regenerate so you can fight again another day. Your body needs rest. Your mind needs rest. Your emotions need rest. Your spirit needs rest. I firmly believe that a person who rests well can do more in less time than the one works without setting aside time for regeneration. You may be able to reach goals without rest, but somewhere along the line, you will fall harder and longer if you aren’t regularly regenerating yourself. So take your vacation time this year!

Have a strict evaluation process. Every plan and goal needs an evaluation tool. And it should be a strict evaluation process. This is how you objectively decide whether or not you are proceeding toward your goal. If you have the right evaluation tool and you look six months into it and you aren’t hitting the goals, perhaps you need to change the goal or the way you are going after it. The evaluation process is not to be underestimated in its importance!

Take somebody else with you. True greatness is not individual. The one who becomes great spreads the reward of greatness around. Incorporate many people into the plan and let them eat of the fruit of success. I live in an area that has literally thousands of millionaires created by a company that had a vision of greatness. And while yes, they experience the reward, the rewards then go out many levels through the whole community, from businesses that support our community to non-profit groups, churches, and schools. True greatness blesses those many levels away.

Learn to party! Party? Yes! What good is greatness if you can’t enjoy it? And not just the final destination but also the entire journey. Be sure to stop along the way and relish in your movement. Celebrate small and large victories. This keeps the sprit high and the big mo rolling! Spend the money, buy the food and blow up the balloons – it’s time to celebrate!